Author Archives: admin

Christmas Tree Festival – 9th & 10th December 2017

We are thrilled to be able to hold our Christmas Tree Festival again this year after a few years break.  The trees will be in St George’s Church, Toddington on Saturday, 9th December and Sunday, 10th December 2017 between 1.00 … Continue reading

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Gardens Open Day – Monday, 29th May 2017

Our Gardens Open Day in Toddington was a great success raising just over £3,500.  Many thanks to those who opened their gardens and to those who came to the event.  It was a very busy day with 400 visitors – … Continue reading

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Line Dance – Friday, 19th May 2017

The Friends of Toddington Parish Church are holding their first Line Dance at Toddington Village Hall, Leighton Road, Toddington, LU5 6AN on Friday, 19th May 2017 starting at 7.30 pm.  Tickets cost £10 to include a Ploughman’s Supper and raffle … Continue reading

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Whist Drive – Friday, 21st April 2017

Our next event will be a Whist Drive which will be held at 7.30 pm on Friday, 21st April 2017 in Toddington Village Hall, Leighton Road, Toddington, LU5 6AN.  There will be prizes, a raffle and refreshments.  Tickets cost £5 and can … Continue reading

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Whist Drive – Friday, 7th October 2016 at 7.30 pm – Toddington Village Hall

Our next fund-raising event will a Whist Drive which will be held at Toddington Village Hall on Friday, 7th October 2016 starting at 7.00 for 7.30 pm.  Tickets cost £5 and can be purchased at the door or from Sue … Continue reading

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Gardens Open day – Monday, 30th May 2016 (11.00 am to 5.00 pm)

Well!  It’s that time of year again – Gardens Open day!  This year we have 10 gardens open in Toddington and you will be in for a real treat.  Come along and enjoy the gardens, great refreshments a bookstall, tombola and our now … Continue reading

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Whist Drive – Toddington Village Hall, Friday, 22nd April 2016 at 7.30 pm

Our next fund-raising event will a Whist Drive which will be held at Toddington Village Hall on Friday, 22nd April 2016 starting at 7.30 pm.  Tickets cost £5 and can be purchased at the door or from Sue (01525 630460).  … Continue reading

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Indoor Market at Toddington Village Hall – Saturday, 19th March 2016

Our next event will be a stall at the Indoor Market to be held at Toddington Village Hall on Saturday, 19th March 2016 between 10.30 am and 2.30 pm.  We hope to have a range of goods for sale so … Continue reading

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Light up Toddington event – Monday, 7th December 2015

Our last fund-raising event for 2015 was on Monday, 7th December 2015 in the Wilkinson Hall, Toddington when we provided refreshments for the lighting up Toddington event.  Thank you for everyone who supported this event.

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Table Top Sale – Saturday, 17th October 2015

Thank you to everyone who supported our Table Top Sale on Saturday, 17th October 2015.

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